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Accenture Acquires Japanese Ecommerce Expert Businet System

Accenture Acquires Japanese Ecommerce Expert Businet System

Accenture has bolstered its trail in Japan with the procurement of the Businet System as part of a major M&A campaign at the beginning...
Facebook May Enable Users to Share Instagram Reels to Facebook Watch

Facebook May Enable Users to Share Instagram Reels to Facebook Watch

In December 2020, Facebook began testing a new option to enable Reels creators to share their Reels clips to Facebook Watch and Facebook News Feed, facilitating...
Blue Cypress Acquires Leading Marketing Agency BuzzShift

Blue Cypress Acquires Leading Marketing Agency BuzzShift

BuzzShift, an industry-leading full-service marketing agency, and business consultancy, announces it has been acquired by New Orleans-based Blue Cypress. BuzzShift will be joining the Blue...
Airship Unveils Real-Time Integration of Customer Engagement Platform with Adobe Experience Platform

Airship Unveils Real-Time Integration of Customer Engagement Platform with Adobe Experience...

Customer engagement company Airship unveils real-time, bi-directional integration with Adobe Experience Platform. The pre-built integration will allow marketers to enrich customer profiles in Adobe Experience Platform in...
YouTube Adds Shorts Shortcut Button within Home Screens

YouTube Adds Shorts Shortcut Button within Home Screens

YouTube is testing a permanent shortcut button for its short-video feature 'Shorts' in the explore tab. As of now, it is available to a small...
Instagram Puts Recently Deleted Tab to Protect Mistakenly deleted Post Removal

Instagram Puts Recently Deleted Tab to Protect Mistakenly deleted Post Removal

Instagram has recently announced the launch of its "Recently Deleted" tab that will allow users to restore any feed posts – which they have...
TikTok Introduces Video Warning Labels to Combat Misinformation

TikTok Introduces Video Warning Labels to Combat Misinformation

TikTok is looking forward to reducing the spread of misinformation with the addition of its new warning labels in clips. It is even taking a...
Nagarro and BlueConic collaborate to provide transformational value to Enterprise CDP users

Nagarro and BlueConic collaborate to provide transformational value to Enterprise CDP...

Nagarro, the digital engineering and technology solutions provider, and the customer data platform (CDP) BlueConic recently announced the strategic partnership. This collaboration will enable...
New AI-enabled technology platform announced by AudioEye

New AI-enabled technology platform announced by AudioEye

The developer of the digital accessibility platform, AudioEye, recently announced the launch of next-generation service plans and technology platforms. These solutions were developed to...
New Chief Marketing Officer appointed by Appian

New Chief Marketing Officer appointed by Appian

Denise Vu Broady was appointed as the new Chief Marketing Officer of Appian recently. She is set to lead the global marketing and communications...

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