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Everything to Know About Sustainable Marketing

Everything to Know About Sustainable Marketing

Consumers are paying close attention to how brands conduct business and its effect on the world at large. Many brands are taking steps to...
What is Automatic Content Recognition (ACR)

What is Automatic Content Recognition (ACR)

Automatic Content Recognition (ACR), is a transformative technology that has redefined how devices interact with content and how content creators and distributors understand their...
All about Copywriting in Digital Marketing

All about Copywriting in Digital Marketing

The art of communication has transformed over the years. Writing that was about sharing information, has given way to copywriting. Marketing content is now...
Global Marketing

All you Want to Know About Global Marketing

Today, firms want to expand beyond domestic markets and tap into new markets worldwide. This has led to the rise of global marketing. It...
Retail Media Network

All You Want to Know About Retail Media Network

With the rise of e-commerce, retailers have been presented with new opportunities to monetize their digital presence. One such opportunity is retail media networks....
Automation for Marketing

A Complete Guide to Marketing Automation

Marketing automation has changed the way firms approach marketing strategies. Using technology, businesses can create a better client experience and drive more revenue. It...
Google Panda

Google Panda Update: Its Evolution, Purpose and Impact

Google algorithm updates have continued to change the SEO landscape over the years. A significant one has been the Google Panda Update. This article...
What Is Intelligent Marketing Automation

What Is Intelligent Marketing Automation

The evolution of AI and automation has birthed Intelligent automation, that is fast becoming critical to smart marketing strategies. Here is some insight on...
Immersive Media and Its Role in Marketing

Immersive Media and Its Role in Marketing

Immersive media creates a new reality using AR or VR, essentially creating an extended reality. Immersive media is available in many different forms. It lets...
Building a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy from Scratch

Building a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy from Scratch

Marketers in companies have to know how to craft an awesome digital marketing strategy from scratch. Whatever the business domain, brands must embrace digital...

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