B2B Sales Process Has Seen an Evolution in the Pandemic

    B2B Sales Process Has Seen an Evolution in the Pandemic

    The pandemic has boosted the evolution of the B2B sales process, thereby tweaking multiple job functions across the marketing ecosystem.

    The coronavirus pandemic has forced B2B marketers to move away from the traditional in-person sales engagements. This has led to business leaders looking for ways to equip their sales teams with the tools and insight to deliver value while engaging customers.

    As per experts, many B2B buyers will not go back to offline engagements. They are driving the engagement with sellers to yield the offers they need. It is essential for sellers to adapt to this buyer empowerment.

    Also, the sales and marketing functions need to integrate more than they have ever before, to strategically navigate through the new normal and win over digitally-driven customers. Tech-savvy B2B marketers can garner a consistent view with data-driven insights derived from using machine learning and artificial intelligence to offer services as per changing consumer needs. This data is obtained from transaction history, learning about peer purchases, and commodity prices, among others.

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    Marketers also need to focus on channel fluidity as buyers want to take charge of the experience; however, they still need detailed guidance while purchasing highly complex goods and services. It is time for B2B firms to revaluate their engagement process in a manner that results in the initiating a transaction, smoothly transitioning it to sales representatives for additional support, and then back to the transaction in a fluid way.

    Sales and marketing jobs should be combined in a way that increases digital engagement. The main aim of B2B marketers is to offer sellers insight into how to solve a problem and help them make an informed decision.

    The sales team needs to bring experience and expertise to help buyers navigate the internal process and external challenges. Sales and marketing alignment is customer-oriented. Digital selling transforms entire markets with the power to align across the whole business on meeting and exceeding customer needs.

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    Sneha Bokil
    Sneha Bokil is a Senior Editor with Ondot Media. She writes editorials on an array of topics ranging from IoT, AI, ML, and cloud computing, among others. She has over 9 years of experience in the field of content creation, where she has written on technology, both enterprise and consumer, and finance.