Marketing Technology Ecosystem 2020 – Highlighting Extensive Tools

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    The latest martech landscape is flooded with interactive tools, and it is going to only increase with time

    The latest loop of the marketing technology (MarTech) landscape was secured and made possible with inputs from several marketing technology professionals. The 2020 Marketing Technology Landscape is here, and if looked as a whole, it resembles an area map. Scott Brinker, the Chairman of the MarTech Conference, is the creator of this super graphic. He has been working on this since 2011 and crowdsourced data from different contributors – to make up the version of the martech landscape.

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    It includes precisely 8,000 marketing tools and a churn rate of 8.7% since 2019 was observed. Even with the marketing tools that were pulled out, one out of five tools that are added in 2020 is new. A total of 615 tools that were removed and the landscape saw a growth rate of 13.6%, with 1,575 new additions. The data solutions tools had the highest increase, with about 25.5% YOY. This could be linked with MarTech Today’s 2020 Career Survey findings, which indicated that nearly 70% of the martech leaders are responsible for tracking data quality. Whereas, advertising and promotional tools saw the lowest growth – less than 5% since 2019.

    According to Brinker, as reported to have mentioned in his Discover Martech keynote – “Growth from 2011 to 2020 is insane…Technology has truly become a primary pillar of how marketing operates.”

    Surprisingly, the most interesting and useful fact about the latest martech landscape is it has an in-build interactive component. Marketers and other users can register and browse into to access the portal and find the necessary information. People can dig into and view all the 8,000 marketing technology tools that are listed in the landscape. Besides, users can also contribute or provide suggestions for new updates so that moderators can review and incorporate them into the official database.

    However, one question that remains is – will the COVID-19 crisis impact this martech trend?

    Amid the period of uncertainty, leading market experts are in a dilemma whether the coronavirus pandemic will adversely affect the martech industry or related businesses. However, many experts are optimistic and said the martech graph would continue rising. Simply put, martech is a long-term asset for many companies, and the SaaS apps used by them will continue to increase.

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    We are most likely to witness a bump in the graph; however, the marketplace is getting more digitized and is adopting more AI and automation tools. In addition, more software is getting developed at present, to create platforms concerning the widespread crisis. The market is expecting to see increasingly no-code solutions. In this essence, as per Ascend2, in its martech stack optimization survey found that more marketers want less-complicated tools – the ones that are to deploy and offer higher utilization for marketing teams. Many professionals reported that they tried to avoid the devices with integration capabilities. Among the respondents, 53% wants desired ease-of-use tech solutions.

    Undoubtedly, with all the 8,000 logos, it has an organic feel to the landscape – it will act as a metaphor for all the marketing technologists. Even Brinker also mentioned, “The truth is, if I look further out, and say ‘what are the next ten years of martech going to be about’ I feel like the underlying forces of a robust and diverse landscape are probably going to continue.”