Top Strategies for Effectively Aligning Marketing and Sales Teams During a Service Line Revamp


    In a volatile economy, service line revamps are necessary, but they could backfire if sales and marketing don’t work together to promote the change.

    Businesses of all sizes and types have faced unique and challenging circumstances over the past few years. Business leaders and politicians alike faced unprecedented challenges as a result of the pandemic and political unrest. These disrupted workflows strained supply chains and generally wreaked havoc on enterprises, which trickled down to sales and marketing.

    Many companies have looked for ways to reduce expenses and tighten budgets due to the numerous issues in the past, present, and future. Service line revamps have been a popular method of doing so. 

    Collaborating on Service Line Revamps

    The two main groups that lead service line promotion are the marketing and sales teams. Each one promotes service lines in a unique way to support its own activities. However, problems may arise if they don’t collaborate to market a new service line. Customer confusion and even aversion might result from inconsistent communications and ambiguous values.

    This is why it’s crucial to combine these two vital groups. Here are a few strategies for collaboration to align the efforts of the marketing and sales teams during a service line revamp.

    Align the Message for The Stages of Consideration and Awareness

    After a service line revamps, it’s crucial to get the marketing and sales teams together to sync up their messaging. Marketing needs to be conscious of how their messaging influences customers’ expectations for sales. And when they reach the conversion stage, it might be advantageous for them to find out what questions customers still have. The sales team might also profit from this communication since potential customers would be better aware of specific services.

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    When consumers are in the awareness and contemplation phases, the marketing team should be able to draw them in and educate them. When consumers are engaged during the conversion and retention stages, the sales team should be able to close the deal. The value of the new package should be made clear and understandable to everyone by the leadership. The company can save time, money, and resources by providing a more efficient service or product package, which is an obvious benefit from an internal perspective. But in this case, external benefits should take precedence.

    Prioritize the Customer

    Often, the seller is the focus during the sales cycle rather than the customer. Customer requirements are not prioritized; instead, target objectives and sales incentives are. When understanding the customer, marketing can likewise become myopic. In the age of online marketing, it can be disconnected, scattered, and inefficient as it spreads thin spread across too many platforms.

    Together, the sales and marketing teams can realign their priorities such that their target audience is given top priority. They can identify consumers, assess common buyer needs, and develop buyer personas using their combined resources and expertise. Sales can learn about consumer research from marketing, and marketing can ask sales about their interactions with customers. These two perspectives are considered during the creation process when the sales and marketing teams collaborate to construct each persona.

    Also Read: Shifting B2B Marketing Focus from Solution Based to Customer Centric Marketing Approach with Personas

    Establish Clear Guidelines for Communication Between Sales and Marketing

    Syncing the message and understanding the benefits of a service line revamp from the perspective of the consumer are great communication starting points. However, the marketing and sales teams should not meet once and then call it a day.

    To prevent data silos, it’s crucial to establish explicit communication channels to keep the teams in sync permanently. Businesses must discover ways to share data if they want to maintain strong communication. Sales teams should have access to content produced by the marketing team so they can utilize it for their pitches. The entire marketing and sales teams should be able to benefit from the feedback and insights that sales team members gain from their interactions with prospects.

    Many businesses reposition and revamp to adapt to the changing customer expectations and challenging economic environment. Redesigning a product or service line, though, might backfire if not promoted well. Businesses ensure that every member of the marketing and sales teams understands the benefits of a revamp and is prepared to effectively and consistently communicate those benefits to customers in the future.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.