Pixalate Launches “Made for Advertising” (MFA) Detection and Blocking Technology for Websites and More


Pixalate announced the launch of “Made for Advertising” (MFA) technology to detect and block MFA websites, mobile apps, and CTV.

Pixalate’s MFA solution analyzes CTV, websites, and mobile apps with high, medium, or low MFA risks and provides reports accordingly.

The MFA detection technology models function on transaction data across all apps, pages, and URLs and assess high risks.

MFA websites and apps can feature irrelevant advertising techniques like wrong pop-up ads, auto-play videos, or ads restricting content access, resulting in a poor advertising-to-attention ratio.

Pixalate also addresses the risks by incorporating metrics in ads to detect the status of apps, invalid traffic (IVT) rates, user ratings, and popularity rankings.

Read More: Pixalate Launches “Made For Advertising” (MFA) Detection and Blocking Technology for Websites, Connected TV & Mobile Apps

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