KENCO Innovates Unique Post and Reposting Website to Help Bloggers and Researchers Send Faster Reposts With Correctly Cited Source Material

KENCO, Reposting

KENCO recently introduced a new concept that creates and publishes blogs by using a simple copy-and-paste method. Bloggers and researchers can now repost pre-approved content from other sources as desired, after filling in a few required fields and supplying a small amount of additional information in a pre-set blank digital form. KENCO reviews and corrects each post before allowing it to go live for readers, and is offering a limited-time, rewards-based introductory promo offer for new users.

What Is a Repost?

Reposts are information forwarded from sources which are not the intellectual property of the individual doing the reposting. Various examples include online news, press releases from the newswire, government agencies, religious organizations, non-profits, entertainers, social media sites, financial organizations and many more. These entities produce and publish information for public consumption that is often reposted dozens of times, though the entities generally go uncredited as the source for the original information.

The KENCO Solution

KENCO offers a unique first blogging post and repost service. After receiving permission from the original authors and publishers, bloggers and researchers simply fill out the submission forms and required fields on the KENCO site, supply other information, and then submit exact copies of the articles to be reposted with URL links back to the original material. KENCO receives and processes these reposts via email.

KENCO’s custom blog website strips and prepares blog contents and makes them a text to speech readable and compatible with readers like Alexa, Google AI and future text to speech readers. KENCO also corrects grammar and punctuation, replaces offensive language with asterisks to protect young readers/listeners, and provides links back to the original articles. No content is ever lost in the process.

Permission to Repost

Though governments, organizations, and churches often do not have the time, resources or inclination to pursue such misuses of intellectual property, using their published information without proper attribution is intellectually dishonest, and may also be illegal in many cases. Bloggers and writers must have permission from the original authors and publishers before using any such information.

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