Blox introduces World’s first AI powered Data Enrichment and Digital Customer Experience Platform in one unified product

Blox-introduces-World's-first-AI-powered-Data-Enrichment-and-Digital-Customer-Experience-Platform-in-one-unified-product, Mad Street Den’s AI platform, rolls out a single unified product line for bringing together both Data Enrichment and Customer Experience tools for enterprises across the globe.

For the first time in history, enterprises can build elaborate customer experiences with clean data, overcoming the last decade’s junk-in, junk-out problems. Product and Technical teams can now build their own models, use preset models to organize data and create taxonomies in a matter of minutes as opposed to months. With the introduction of this new product line, enriching and creating clean catalog and content data becomes simple and instant, allowing the design of personalized customer experiences for their consumers using this data. This is AI like never before!

The Data Problem

Poor data that cannot be capitalized on is a challenge businesses across industries face. ‘Ugly’ data causes companies to miss out on key indicators and information that can help them refine their product & make informed business decisions. This affects their ROI, the experiences they deliver to their customers, and their revenue.

Also Read: Good Data Privacy Practices is Key in Creating Excellent Customer Experiences

Blox helps enterprises distill huge volumes of data and make it usable. And then it connects all that data to different types of workflows – whether its managing customer journeys or workflows across teams. Today, enterprises are forced to buy point solutions from different software vendors, each addressing a single point in the journey, as opposed to end to end systems that talk to data at different points in the workflows. What they get is a hodge-podge of data, every vendor interpreting data differently and using it differently for the same customer, preventing any meaningful personalization. Data management and Customer Experience are inherently linked, and having different sources of truth significantly stunts the results and wastes resources.

AI like never before

Blox aims to solve this problem by bringing all of this together on one platform. Companies can now build models, use preset models, clean their catalogs of data and manage Customer Experiences in one interface with a single backend – A single AI-Stack for all your Data and CX needs.

“Organizations are constantly pursuing tangible ROI on their AI-led investments, and it’s critical to understand why off-the-shelf point implementations fail. In all our conversations with business leaders, we have noticed that the data they’re building their models on is broken. That’s what aims to fix first. We are building a continuum for the data lifecycle so that your AI models can look across, interoperate and work with all the different pieces of data in that continuum, creating a single source of truth that accurately represents your business and is capable of delivering value.” says Ashwini Asokan, CEO & Founder of

The platform is industry agnostic and is already powering companies across Retail, Finance, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics and more. “Every business out there wants to use AI, but there’s a learning curve and it can take upto 24 months to start seeing any impact of the AI on the business. With, we give you AI in a box and reduce that entire journey to 90 days”, says Anand Chandrasekaran, CTO of “We’re giving teams all the tools they need to customize and deploy AI models that are mission-critical for them in a manner that works with their tech stack. You don’t need to be a data scientist to deploy AI anymore. Our ability to deploy Blox as independent modules and simultaneously as a platform uniquely place it in a position to truly collaborate with businesses from end-to-end and support them through every step of the project lifecycle. And what we’re seeing because of this, is reduced costs and increased flexibility in the form of revenue levers, like never before” he added.

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