Leveraging AI to Enhance Customer Experience

    Leveraging AI to Enhance Customer Experience-01

    Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve and transform customer experience in meaningful ways by understanding company and employee culture, existing and ideal customer experience, quality data, and putting consumers first.

    Artificial intelligence is here to stay. AI and ML will continue to change how businesses operate, enhancing customer experience and, customer satisfaction.

    Automation is more in demand, as businesses scale and reorganize resources, but it is more than just a means of increasing efficiency or lowering costs. AI goes beyond simply automating or assigning routine activities to algorithmic processes. At the crossroads of technology and mankind, growth occurs. AI would be meaningless if it didn’t have the human element.

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    It may be difficult, but not impossible to develop AI that supports a company’s goals and visions, as well as consumer satisfaction. AI can enhance and alter customer experience in meaningful ways by understanding company and employee culture, quality data, current and ideal customer experience, and putting customers first.

    AI is only as effective as the data 

    Neither executive leaders nor AI will be able to learn much without quality data. Without data that reflects their customers, how can brands enhance customer satisfaction? Neither easily nor quickly. Pure data enables AI to detect and forecast more accurate outcomes, as well as discover and learn from customer patterns.

    A company’s trajectory is transformed by its capacity to learn from consumer interactions. Without that vital interchange and feedback, businesses cannot evolve their products and goals. Benchmarking actual and ideal customer experiences, KPIs, generating and evaluating customer personas, assessing available data, and identifying potential improvements all contribute to AI’s performance in a business framework. Data is important to consider in the creation and use of machine learning, even if it isn’t the only aspect.

    Conversational intelligence

    When confronted with a challenge, technology may not yet be advanced enough to mimic the processes that characterize human brains. Artificial intelligence, however, can become wiser with each consumer interaction with the help of programmers and engineers, allowing it to learn based on previous customer behaviours. Some consumers even prefer digital interaction to live conversation.

    Because a live agent cannot answer to as many people at once as a machine can, conversational intelligence and automated messaging boost the customer experience. Customers’ inquiries being handled thoroughly, quickly, and sensitively can create or destroy a business’s reputation. This is where AI may point consumers to resources; respond to questions, make recommendations based on previous customer data, and forecast results.

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    Voice recognition and Natural Language Processing enable AI to determine whether a consumer is furious or unhappy and, as a result, should be sent to a representative who can offer a compassionate solution. While AI may never achieve total emotional intelligence, conversational signals might assist it in comprehending and improving potential circumstances. In the coming year, more companies will invest and recognize the value of conversational intelligence.

    Customers need to be the key priority

    Customers and customer personas should be considered at every stage of the AI development, management and implementation process. Customer service should always be the goal and priority. AI that isn’t built with the needs of the customer in mind is a risky investment.

    Every business framework should prioritize customers. Customer buy products, data does not. A company’s goals or visions are meaningless if it exists in a vacuum. Customers will feel special and unique if businesses know about their likes, dislikes, interests as well as how they communicate. It shows customers that they are important. The fast growth of social media platforms has made it easier than ever to share both negative and positive viewpoints. The fate of businesses lies in the hands of its customers.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.