Twitter Announces the Expansion of its ‘Birdwatch’ Crowd-Sourced Fact-Checking Program

Twitter-Announces-the Expansion-of-its-‘Birdwatch’-Crowd-Sourced-Fact-Checking-Program
Twitter-Announces-the Expansion-of-its-‘Birdwatch’-Crowd-Sourced-Fact-Checking-Program

In order to counteract false information spread throughout the app, Twitter has announced that it will expand its experimental Birdwatch crowdsourced fact-checking initiative.

Participants in Birdwatch, a feature that Twitter first introduced early last year, can flag material in Tweets that they think is deceptive and add annotations to provide more explanation. According to Twitter’s research, viewers of a Birdwatch note are 20–40% less likely to concur with the main points of a potentially deceptive Tweet than viewers of the Tweet alone.

Additionally, according to Twitter, viewers of Birdwatch notes are 15–35% less likely to Like or Retweet a Tweet than viewers of the Tweet alone. Additionally, Twitter claims to be introducing an improved Birdwatch onboarding procedure that will encourage volunteers to submit and rate notes thoughtfully.

Read More: Twitter Announces an Expansion of its ‘Birdwatch’ Crowd-Sourced Fact-Checking Program

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