How to Differentiate Your Campaign Using Email Segmentation

    Email, Segmentation, Campaign

    It is an entirely connected world out there. Everything that is out there is permanent because there is no stopping the movement of data in this hyper-connected world. Communications targeted at a specific audience can provide that cutting edge that your brand may need. So how does a CMO make marketing campaigns work better?

    With increasing amounts of market data available, it has become quite easy to add much more value to marketing communications. It is also much easier to understand and know the target audience based on the data so readily available on them. This understanding can afford opportunities to drive cross-channel acquisition efforts as well.

    While tools for A/ testing and monitoring of email performances are steady work now, the smart marketing lead will leverage the data collated from these tools to identify the higher performing variation of the audience. Testing the segments of customers allows monitoring of communications performance, which creates opportunities for even better and more advanced segmentation for communications. This will ultimately help to drive increased conversions.

    The best method for creating top-targeted segments is to get data on a group of past customers. This will assist in establishing parameters about the cost of the product being marketed, and the campaigns can be created around them. Armed with this history, it is much easier to ascertain the responses to mail campaigns in the past, especially about these customers. The sections of past customers who have been responding positively to email campaigns, deserve more attention than others.

    The next step would be to do a slice and dice- what bunch responds better to what communications on what days. This established the pattern of email responses over time.

    That segment can then be segmented, and mail blasts can be focused on them.

    While analytics and click-through rates can be a reliable source of data engagement information, there is much more to the analysis of email data than that. The timing of open standards, the demographics of opening people, all make a difference and incorporating these segmentation insights into the marketing strategies will add wholesome value to the marketing campaign.

    Knowing the demographics of the hits is also significant because segmented email campaigns can then be targeted at that particular demographic group. Sometimes the data indicates that some emails have a better rate of opening if they are sent twice, so that is a segment that needs to be handled differently. Perhaps a little more persuasion is necessary for them. Therefore, that is a segmentation that provides differentiation opportunities. Customers across verticals, across geographies, across company types, will have different choices and behaviors. The trick is to carry that behavior into the differentiation strategy for segmented email campaigns and win their attention.

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