Embracing Automation: Gateway to the Future of Technology

    Embracing Automation Gateway to the Future of Technology

    There is an on-going automation disruption happening now, instead of fearing it, it’s time for businesses to embrace it and prepare for the automation boom.

    The omnichannel digital CX industry is at an all-time high in terms of growth, and the e-Commerce leaders believe the way to tackle this  demand  is with the help of innovations in automation and data science capabilities.

    The past few months have seen a trend of enterprises embracing digital in an attempt to gain back some revenue lost due to the on-going pandemic.

    Businesses are now faced with new challenges in launching multi-channel management, tackling a higher management burden, from monitoring orders from multiple sources, ensuring systems and software are fully functional to communicating through various channels for the process to run smoothly.

    But, having digital commerce platforms in place will help automate these tasks. A single, centralized dashboard can manage software updates; take care of inventory levels, shipment details, reducing repetitive, cumbersome, manual tasks. Automating these parts of the operations, and leveraging AI, allows the smooth movement of omnichannel brands into the future.

    Steady Customer Experience

    A steady customer experience is a must for an effective omnichannel approach, and the best way to guarantee that is through automation.

    Regardless of the vertical, service or product, a purchasing decision is made within certain touch points. Even though an omnichannel helps distribute touch points across online and offline media, to keep a positive purchasing decision intact, it is important for the customer experience to remain consistent.

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    Besides, as businesses expand their omnichannel offering, automation becomes vital for maximizing RoI with the increased level of activity.

    Trend Forecast

    Trends and patterns keep changing regardless of the market that an enterprise operates in, making it vital for companies to keep pace with the changing times.

    Systems and software equipped with machine learning capabilities and AI can help track changing market conditions and consumer behaviors. This ensures enterprises conduct business with little to no disruption.

    Making Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

    A digital platform that incorporates all channels paves the way for precise, relevant and structured data collection. A few digital platforms also include tools where data can help deliver useful insights into channel performance and consumer behaviors.

    Thus, data-driven marketing decisions lead to effective functioning of activities through accurate targeting and prompt implementation.

    Automation Strategies at the Forefront 

    The on-going pandemic, without any doubt, has brought about a digital transformation to the extent that no one foresaw. With the increasing competition in the online markets and the subsequent financial impact, automation plays a crucial role in the smooth functioning of businesses.

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    Globally, it’s time to let technology share the burden instead of efficiently delivering products and services, fighting ever-growing overheads. With this step in place, omnichannel brands have a bright future. But, for it to become a reality, businesses need to prepare the groundwork to receive and leverage the benefits offered by AI and automation.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.