Facebook Competitor, MeWe, Surpasses 6 Million Members, Becomes #1 Trending Social App and Named a 2019 “Best Entrepreneurial Company”

Facebook, MeWe,Social App

MeWe announces it surpasses 6 million members and is named a 2019 “Best Entrepreneurial Company in America” by Entrepreneur magazine. Recently MeWe has ranked as a “Top 10” Social App and the #1 Trending Social App in the Google Play Store.

MeWe expects over 100 million members by the end of 2020, having achieved 405% growth in 2018 and growing twice as fast on a daily basis in 2019. 60% of MeWe’s traffic is international and 35% of members are active—exceeding industry standards.

In his recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, MeWe’s CEO, Mark Weinstein, wrote, MeWe is a full-featured social network engineered with privacy-by-design that’s freemium-based with no ads, targeting or newsfeed manipulation. Marketers and election meddlers cannot target or boost anything to anyone. These are significant competitive differentiation.” Weinstein today adds, “It’s gratifying to see MeWe flourishing worldwide. MeWe is the uplifting social network with the features people love, and the respect, control and data privacy we all deserve.”

MeWe’s advisory board includes Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web, who says, “MeWe gives the power of the Internet back to the people with a platform built for collaboration and privacy.”

MeWe’s groundbreaking “Privacy Bill of Rights” guarantees members have control of their data, newsfeeds, and privacy. MeWe safeguards members with a strong Terms of Service designed to keep bad actors out.

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