Understanding the shortcomings of marketing automation

CMOs say that marketing automation tools are excellent for scaling communications and ensuring continuity of customer journeys from a centralized hub, but there may be some things to watch out for

Marketing leaders acknowledge that while marketing automation tools are good tools to help enterprise-scale communications and maintain customer journey continuity from a hub, they could  lack in developing the personal connections that are required by humans.

With the sudden spike in digital communications in 2020, it has become harder to develop personal connections via a screen. In order to push through the digital communication fatigue, marketing leaders believe that direct mails will act as a sensory experience for customers and prospects for establishing emotional connect.

They clarify that it doesn’t refer to the direct spam mails that everyone has received over the years. They are referring to personalized and thoughtful brand moments that are delivered at the exact right moment. It includes unboxing experiences that delight and surprise clients. Content that satisfies the needs of the prospect. Follow-up calls after delivery of a service, solution, or package.

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Marketing organizations like Salesforce, Proofpoint, Zoom, and others are focused on developing brand moments for their customers and prospects. This has proved to be beneficial for their businesses.

Marketing leaders consider branded, personalized, and integrated direct mail as the most effective channel for interacting with the target audience. There is a common misconception that executing an experience like that involves a huge amount of work and will be unscaleable. However, Tactile Marketing Automation (TMA) makes the orchestration of such solutions much less cluttered. With this solution, direct mails are integrated directly into the automated customer journeys.

Moving forward with intent data and personalized communication

Intent data informs an organization about how and when a customer or prospect leans towards a particular service or product. It lets CMO’s team  know what should be the communication process regarding their interests and includes direct mail campaigns.

One of the most critical elements in this strategy is personalization. This doesn’t mean batching and blasting messages. Brands can’t simply depend on appending the first name of the prospect to the email template for the mail to feel personal. Clients need more. Blending together intent data and personalization for trigger-based campaigns will produce the required outcomes.

Orchestration of multichannel campaign

CMOs acknowledge that a higher success rate is observed when brands utilize four to six channels. Leveraging a unique blend of channels in a unified manner helps tell a meaningful and personalized story to each client or prospective client for maximum effectiveness.

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Timely follow-ups after the delivery of a product or service allow extra attention from the client to the mail and give them a way to digitally respond. The delivery notification can also help in triggering social media and display ads for the clients.

Retargeting can better ad engagement rates significantly. The average click-through rate (CTR) for display ads is less by ten percent compared to the average CTR for retargeted ads.

Careful orchestration of timing and channels makes the client feel visible and seen. It assures them that a brand puts in full efforts to create a great experience for them, which encourages them to continue the partnership.

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