Eye-tracking, Biometrics, Face-tracking, and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Technology to Enrich CX

Eye-tracking, Biometrics, Face-tracking, and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Technology to Enrich CX

70% of the CEOs today focus on delivering an enriched and enhanced user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX), considering it as the ultimate competitive differentiator.

Martech tools recording customer responses analyze and interpret the data to discern clear patterns in customer behavior and preferences. Interviews and feedbacks remain the ideal research method for complicated discussion points, as marketing technology tools can prompt the consumer to share more information that allows marketing teams to gain better insights. Technology-driven research is always preferred to human interactions since it is free of any preconceived notion or bias.

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It is equally vital to continuously review other performance metrics like website analytics and website engagement to offer in-depth analysis. Combining all market research methods will add extra value in the process to upgrade CX, and meet continuously evolving customer expectations.

In addition to data analysis and consumer research, another method of user research that has gained traction recently is biometrics. By adopting facial recognition technology, eye tracking, or GSR, new insights that cannot be obtained from interviewing a focus group can be captured. Biometrics further assists marketers in forming demographic reports, user profiles to make essential decisions on marketing strategies like – design of websites, and marketing collateral.

Eye-tracking allows marketers to analyze the exact eye movements of the user to identify the way they interact with a webpage and its elements. These movements give in-depth insights about the audience, which may not even be known to them. This form of biometrics allows data to be captured on where the eyes first crawl on a webpage, what they are most drawn towards, and what holds their gaze for longest.  Users take just 50 milliseconds to form an opinion of a website and develop interest, so marketers must have an instantly visually pleasing and optimized webpage to retain customers and improve the CX.

Facial recognition technology is extensively used by tech-savvy marketers to analyze how a user responds emotionally to certain aspects of a website. Facial mapping technology tracks major facial movements, which, if compiled intelligently, can identify the users’ immediate emotional reactions, whether disgust, anger, frustration, interest, or happiness. These findings are used to determine which areas of a website or image assets have a positive or negative impact on the user. Such deep insights help marketers make important decisions to create more engaging content and sell websites better.

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Another form of biometrics is Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) technology, which provides the ability to monitor the users’ real-time emotions by observing the minute changes in the sweat gland activity. This is a more advanced technology to check the level of emotional arousal that can alter in response to the environment. This real-time detailed emotion capturing is a beneficial tool for marketers to be equipped with to deliver the most progressive CX and UX. Such technologies allow marketers to unveil and unfold the customer journey to understand the entire experience to check the level of customer satisfaction delivered.

With these research tools and biometric methods on offer, marketers can fully understand customer expectations and hence have the ability to target audiences more effectively. Finally, it’s a decision for the company to make- on which tools can benefit them the most, and the decision will depend on their ultimate goal and need analysis.

With customers’ attitudes continually changing and the market continuously evolving, marketers must talk to their customers regularly to ensure they don’t risk losing customers and being overtaken by the competition. With the range of options available to the customers, marketers need to really take extra efforts and initiatives to excel and create brand differentiation. Innovative niche technologies like biometrics, face tracking, and Galvanic Skin Response will help marketers achieve exactly this.