Home Quick Bytes BeyondTrust to Provide Its Entire Portfolio of IAM Solutions on AWS Marketplace

BeyondTrust to Provide Its Entire Portfolio of IAM Solutions on AWS Marketplace

The AWS Marketplace, the catalog of software listings from independent software suppliers, has announced the availability of all of BeyondTrust’s solutions for consumer purchase. 

According to BeyondTrust, with flexible payment terms, consolidated invoicing, committed cloud expenditure burn-down, and business savings, joint clients may anticipate a streamlined procurement experience through the AWS Marketplace. 

According to BeyondTrust, the flexibility of the AWS Marketplace offers businesses with a cloud-first or hybrid architecture a strategic choice to maximize identity and access security procurement with BeyondTrust’s full solutions.

Read More: https://martechseries.com/sales-marketing/id-mgmt/beyondtrust-to-offer-its-entire-line-of-identity-and-access-solutions-in-aws-marketplace/