Personalization Prerequisites: Creating a Successful Content Strategy

In the area of marketing real-time personalization of the customer experience has been described as the ‘Holy Grail’. And the fight is on.

For every customer, it is their much-awaited wish that companies treat them as individuals, and personalized marketing can help accomplish that. Personalization improves customer retention and brand affinity as well.

When companies recognize and prove they know their consumers, customers then expect businesses to cater unique experiences to them. Including both in-store and across social media platforms, email and mail companies have numerous opportunities to personalize marketing messages. Marketers can gather data, create buyer personas, and analyze habits and behaviors to craft individualized experiences and messages for customers.

Some of the benefits of personalized marketing include:

  • Better and higher Conversion
  • Understanding of customers
  • Customer engagement and feedback
  • Social sharing and brand affinity
  • Lead nurturing
  • Customer retention
  • Higher revenue

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Effective editorial planning and personalized content strategy help reap the profit in modern marketing. It is important to first develop a strong understanding of how customers engage with business so that content can be developed to be relevant at each step along their customer journey In order to define a content strategy. Who the content is intended is equally important to know.


The likelihood of conversion increases compared to when a customer receives an irrelevant message, especially at an inappropriate time when a company reaches a prospective customer with the right message at the right time.

Customers’ understanding

Personalized marketing enables a business to show customers it understands them from the first interaction. The company’s site visitor it can personalize the experience faster than a company that doesn’t use that data.

Customer engagement and feedback

If customers receive something in return they may feel comfortable giving feedback, filling out surveys and providing personal information that includes a coupon or discount on their next purchase.

Social sharing and brand affinity

If customers enjoy a personalized experience, they may share their positive feedback with friends or family. While a company or product satisfies customers and they react positively, on social media they can share, which increases brand’s or product’s reach.

Lead nurturing

Sales and marketing teams focus on specific prospective customer and learn what that person wants and need the teams can personalize their lead’s experience and have a better chance to convert that lead into a customer than if they tried the same approach on everyone.

Also Read: The role of social media for marketing insights 

Customer retention

Customers want to receive marketing messages and advertisements relevant to their interests and needs. If a company keeps up-to-date information about its users, it can continue to personalize messages for them and serve them relevant content.

Higher revenue

If marketers know a customer’s preferred channels of communication, they can target their efforts on those channels to drive a purchase. For example, if a customer frequently visits a company on both its website and its social media page, the marketer may focus on those channels, provide product recommendations based on expressed interests and customize the experience.

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