Home Quick Bytes Odaseva Launches Privacy Solution, Solves Compliance Challenges for Enterprises using Salesforce

Odaseva Launches Privacy Solution, Solves Compliance Challenges for Enterprises using Salesforce

Odaseva, Salesforce’s business data platform, announced today that their complete, code-free data solution will be available on February 28, 2022.

Odaseva has pioneered the production of business-level privacy data since 2018, operated by major international companies including Schneider Electric and Toyota. Next month these data privacy products will generally be available as a comprehensive, simple solution called Odaseva Enterprise Privacy Solution, which allows large international organizations to seamlessly adhere to the growing number of data privacy laws affecting their marketing data.

The Odaseva Enterprise Privacy Solution will be the most comprehensive offer available for data privacy management in Salesforce. It complies with a wide range of data privacy laws around the world including the GDPR and CCPA, respects customer privacy requirements, and protects data from Salesforce’s non-productive environments.

Read More: https://martechseries.com/analytics/data-management-platforms/privacy-and-regulations/odaseva-launches-privacy-solution-solves-compliance-challenges-for-enterprises-using-salesforce/

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