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Chinese TV, Smartphones, Video

Chinese TV Maker Launches Low-Cost Smartphones for Video Lovers

Chinese TV maker TCL Electronics launched a low-cost smartphone in a bet that it can harness its expertise in screens to win over consumers...
Facebook, Dating Service

Facebook Launches Dating Service in US

Facebook Inc. is launching its dating services in the United States, where users will be able to integrate their Instagram accounts with Facebook’s dating...
Business Marketing

E-Mail Remains One of the Most Popular Forms of Business Marketing

In the first ‘Customer Engagement Report’ by Merkle, that surveyed more than 200 marketers at major North American brands in June 2019 found that...
election security

Tech Firms Meet with U.S. Intelligence on 2020 Election Security

U.S. technology companies including Facebook Inc, Alphabet’s Google, Microsoft Corp, and Twitter Inc met with U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to discuss security strategies...
Facebook, database

A Huge Database Of Facebook Users’ Phone Numbers Found Online

Hundreds of millions of phone numbers linked to Facebook accounts have been found online. The exposed server contained more than 419 million records over several databases...
Data, SEO

Data Blending Can Enhance Seo Efforts

Search engine optimization (SEO) has undergone transformation and tactics such as keyword research; backlinks, internal linking, and proper website architecture are essential, but not...
Firefox, trackers

Firefox Blocks Ad Trackers By Default

Firefox is continuing its fight against Facebook and Google's online ad tracking empire. The browser, owned by Mozilla, will now block third-party tracking cookies...
Facebook, face recognition

Facebook Allows Face Recognition To Users

Facebook Inc. is opening up its face recognition technology to all users with an option to opt-out, and discontinued a related feature called “Tag...
Google, YouTube

Google to Pay up to $200 Million to FTC on YouTube...

Alphabet Inc’s Google will spend up to $200 million to settle a Federal Trade Commission investigation into YouTube’s alleged violation of a children’s privacy...
Twitter, CEO's, Hacked Account

Twitter CEO’s Hacked Account Sends Racist Tweets, Secured Later

The account of Twitter Inc CEO Jack Dorsey was hacked on Friday afternoon, sending public tweets and retweets including racial slurs and curse words...

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