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EU, Facebook, Europe

EU Instructs Facebook to Clear T&Cs in Europe

Facebook has agreed to update its policies on T&Cs to make it clear to users how their personal data is used. The social media...
Websites, UK, GDPR, Harmful Content

Websites in UK to be Fined over Harmful Content

The Government of the UK might impose a fine on tech companies who do not take reasonable steps to stop harmful online content on...
Australia, Social Media, Google, Facebook, YouTube

Australia Passes Law to Fine Social Media Companies

The Government of Australia has passed the Criminal Code Amendment (Sharing of Abhorrent Violent Material) Bill that can penalize social media platforms for not acting...
Facebook, Amazon, UpGuard, Data, Cybersecurity

UpGuard: Facebook User Data Exposed on Public Servers

Researchers at the cybersecurity firm UpGuard have discovered two separate sets of unprotected Facebook user data on Amazon cloud servers that exposed more than...
Google, India, Head, Quits

Google India Head Rajan Anandan Quits

Rajan Anandan, the India Vice-President for Google South East Asia and India, has resigned to join Sequoia Capital India as the Managing Director. Anandan...
Google+, Shutdown, Security

Google+ Shutdown Amid Security Issues

Google has announced that they are officially shutting down its social network Google+. In February 2019, Google disabled the new account creation, and now...
Facebook, Privacy, Internet, Security

Mark Zuckerberg Backs Updated Internet Privacy

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has asked for regulators globally to be more proactive in data privacy concerns. He said, regulating agencies could play a...
Facebook, Ads, US, Discrimination

US Department Charges Facebook with Discrimination in Targeted Ads

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has accused Facebook Inc. alleging that the company’s targeted advertising is discriminated by race and color, in violation...
EU, Europe, Copyright, Internet, Strategy

EU Approves Online Copyright Law

The European Union Parliament has approved copyright law that could have significant repercussions for the internet in Europe. As per Article 11, link tax demands...
Spotify, Parcast, Audio

Spotify to Acquire Parcast

Spotify, the Swedish audio streaming platform, has acquired Parcast, a podcast network- storytelling studio. Chief Content Office for Spotify Dawn Ostroff says, “Parcast will enable to...

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