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Google, France

Google Exempted from Taxes in France

A court in France ruled out a decision that Google will not pay $1.22 billion in back taxes. The French finance ministry had claimed that...
Revint Solutions, Payment Partners

Revint Solutions Acquires Payment Partners

Revint Solutions, a provider of healthcare solutions, has acquired Payment Partners, a provider of worker’s compensation claim reimbursement services. “Through this acquisition, Revint strengthens its...
Atrium Health, CMO

Atrium Health Names Parkerson as CMO

Atrium Health has announced Michael Parkerson as its new Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice President. He will be taking over the position from...

CSI Appoints Jennifer Werner as CMO

Computer Services, Inc. has announced Jennifer Werner, as its new Chief Marketing Officer. At CSI, Werner will integrate marketing initiatives that deliver the company message to...
Broadsign, Ayuda

Broadsign Announces to Acquire Ayuda

Broadsign International Inc., a provider of digital out-of-home (OOH) marketing platform, announced that it had acquired Ayuda Media Systems. For OOH media owners who have...
Facebook, Instagram, Passwords

Facebook Admits Millions of Instagram Passwords Were Stored

Facebook Inc. says that millions of Instagram passwords were stored in the form of plain text in a readable format on internal servers, raising...
Facebook, Emails, Users

Facebook Inadvertently Collects Emails of 1.5 Million Users

Facebook Inc. said it may have unintentionally uploaded email contacts of 1.5 million new users since May 2016. The privacy breach came to light when...
European Union, Tech Giants

European Union Passes New Rules for Tech Giants

Lawmakers at the European Parliament have approved the new regulations that will ensure eBay, Google, and Amazon will need to convey to their vendors...
EU, Copyright Rules, Technology

EU Approves Copyright Rules for Tech Giants

EU has approved a copyright rule for Google and Facebook. Under the new copyright rules, the search engine giant will have to pay publishers...
UK Government, Tech Industries, Regulation, DCMS department

UK Government to Consider Public Opinion on Regulation for Tech Industries

The government of the UK has released a new proposal for a plan to closely monitor and regulate the tech industries across Europe. This proposal...

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