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Marketers, Digital Marketing, SEO, Marketing Stack, ROI, C-Suite, Marketing Investment, Sales, Search Engine Optimization, Employee Training, Tags CEO, CMO, Marketers, Digital Marketing, SEO, Marketing Stack, ROI

Enterprise SEO Platform Remains the Hero of the Marketing Stack

It is crucial for a company’s product or content to be found online by the right people at the right time, which is why...
CEO, CMO, Marketing, Marketing Expenditure, Marketing Spend, Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Marketing Campaign, Martech

Martech – Application Makes the Difference and Not Mere Adoption of...

Enterprises need to realize that adopting technology is not enough; appropriate usage and leverage of its capabilities is what makes the difference. The marketing industry...
Influencer Marketing, Instagram Stories, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, campaigns, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 2020, content, relevant channels, Linqia Tags CMO, Influencer marketing, marketers, 2020, Linqia, survey, report, campaigns

Majority of Marketers Will Work With Micro-Influencers in 2020

A Linqia study reveals that the majority of marketers will choose to work with micro-influencers this year. As per the Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2020,...
CMO, CEO, B2B marketing, marketing strategy, Localized marketing, brand, digital marketing, brand engagement SEO localized marketing, Google, marketing strategy, Localized Marketing Benchmark Report, Local Search Association, Localogy, SOCi Inc, localized marketing forums, Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, brands, Bill Dinan, loyal customers, LMBR research, Monica Ho, personalization, content, revenue growth, social content, online presence, organic search, SEO, digital marketing, local business, customer behavior, marketing platform, customer relationship, social media, database, customer data, business collaboration, Geo-Location, Location-Based Technology, Location Marketing Solutions, business growth, brand engagement

Localized Marketing – Businesses with Multi-Location Can Grow 3X

An advanced localized marketing strategy can help brands achieve nearly three times more business growth than its peers. The latest collaborative research by Localogy and...
CEO, CMO, CX, Customer Experience, B2B sales, B2B Marketing, Sales, Marketing, Company Culture

Differentiation Through Innovation – Businesses Should Unite Employees to Deliver Advanced...

Industry disruptors and leaders always have one thing in common - they master the art of uniting employees, empowering them with the latest technologies...
Customer experience, businesses, technology, processes, business strategy, marketing, advertising, e-commerce, and IT professionals, brands, agencies, APAC, CMO, customer experience, business strategy, marketing, advertising, e-commerce, APAC

Customer Experience- 40% of Businesses Significantly Exceeded Their Business Goals in...

Adobe’s Digital Trends 2020 report reveals that businesses that focus on customer experience (CX) are three times more likely to have exceeded their goals...
CMO, CEO, AI, Martech, B2B marketers, artificial intelligence, Personalization

AI and Predictive Modeling Enhance Performance, Confirms 98% of Marketers

Today, it is no secret that marketing and technology go hand-in-hand to streamline businesses’ functionalities. A majority of the marketers, about 86% of marketers...
marketing trends 2025

Four Content Marketing Trends That Will Emerge by 2025

Fresh content, focus on video marketing, and real influencers are some of the top content marketing trends B2B marketers need to watch out for...
Social Media Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Ads, Advertising, Marketing, Martech, Coronavirus, Webinar, Video Marketing, SEO, B2B Marketing, Content Marketing, Center for Exhibition Industry Research, PredictHQ, CEO, CMO, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Ads, Advertising, Marketing, Martech, Coronavirus, Webinar, Video Marketing, SEO, B2B Marketing, Content Marketing

Digital Marketing Remains the Only Hope of B2B Marketers with Coronavirus...

Marketing budgets of firms are now getting transferred to online marketing with all marketing events getting canceled in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak. With...
CMO, CEO, Coronavirus, Content marketing, Digital marketing, MarTech, B2B BPI Network, Netline, APAC, Europe, U.S., Coronavirus, COVID-19, CMO Council, Making Content Marketing Convert, Donovan Neale-May, stakeholders, ad hoc, content marketing, Digital marketing, MarTech, B2B marketing, global economy, world stock market, recession, business ecosystem, multi-channel distribution, business promotion, trade shows, industry events, marketing seminars, demand generation, online marketing, digital marketing strategies, prospect, locked down, in-home isolation, target audience

Coronavirus Impacting the Global Market – Content Marketing Is A Primacy

The Coronavirus has already adversely affected the global economy, because of which there have been widespread cancellations of major marketing events and conferences spanning...

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