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Global CPaaS

Global CPaaS Market to Touch $25 Billion by 2025

The use of CPaaS solutions is becoming popular among organizations globally, and the fast-growing market is estimated to reach up to $25 billion by...
B2B Process

B2B Buying Process Moves Online with the Evolving Consumer Behavior

In light of the widespread pandemic, more B2B enterprises are expanding their digital presence to get through the crisis. The B2B buying process is evolving...
facebook Ads

Brands Need to Take a Break from Pre-dominant Facebook Ads

Brands need to distance themselves from all third-party business practices that do not align with their values, to survive the current business uncertainty. Brands are...
B2B marketers

ABM Implementation – Four Important Strategies for B2B Marketers

ABM is a fast growing approach adopted by a vast majority of B2B marketing industry. A LinkedIn survey of more than 800 B2B marketers globally,...
E-Commerce Brands Need to Prioritize Product Information Management

E-Commerce Brands Need to Prioritize Product Information Management

With more brands operating online now, product information management (PIM) is the need of this new-age marketplace. Most online retailers are looking for a competitive...
Four Ways to Use Personalization While Maintaining Boundaries

Four Ways to Use Personalization While Maintaining Boundaries

It is essential for CMOs to assure personalization, but it has to be following certain boundaries. Today, intelligent personalized marketing tools are helping organizations gain...
CMOs Prioritize CX

Most CMOs Prioritize CX Jobs As They Are Vital for Growth

Top marketing executives consider CX as the biggest priority for their company’s growth strategies Customer experience has been a top priority for CMOs of high-performing...
B2B content marketing

Successful creation and deployment of B2B content marketing

Marketing leaders acknowledge that organizations expect too much from content marketing and the consequent failures are hard to overcome both in terms of brand...
cardinal service strategies

Updating cardinal service strategies to ensure a more relevant customer...

The pandemic has created big challenges for the customer-facing teams, especially due to lack of enterprise tools. CMOs say that customer call volumes have increased...
Spend Less and Save More The New Consumer Mantra amid Economic Crisis

Spend Less and Save More: The New Consumer Mantra amid ...

Increasingly, consumers are spending less and saving more with a clear focus on economic costs, due to the pandemic. With the global economic downswing, customers...

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