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How B2Bs Can Proactively Build Resilience?

How B2Bs Can Proactively Build Resilience?

With slight changes in strategies, leaders can mitigate the top business risks and capitalize on the dynamic times in a globally connected economy During brief...
Best Lead and Demand Generation Channels

Best Lead and Demand Generation Channels

Successful demand generation campaigns start with a well-thought B2B marketing campaign design. CMOs at the designing stage should thoroughly evaluate to understand which B2B...
Personalized Marketing: Importance, Challenges, and Strategies

Personalized Marketing: Importance, Challenges, and Strategies

Utilizing analytics to personalize product experiences and marketing communications for individual customers is a common strategy today. Personalized marketing is not just inserting the...
Importance of Customer Experience (CX) in Enterprises

Importance of Customer Experience (CX) in Enterprises

Enterprises worldwide increasingly realize that providing exceptional customer experiences is vital to survive. Businesses are shifting focus to deliver their customers' rising demand and...
Top Factors to Consider When Preparing B2B Marketing Budget

Top Factors to Consider When Preparing B2B Marketing Budget

The success of any marketing plan depends on a well-planned budget allocation. Several factors, like business needs, industry niche, and cash availability, influence an...
Ten Customer Experience (CX) Myths

Ten Customer Experience (CX) Myths

Customer experience (CX) technologies are gaining traction in the evolving digital marketing landscape. While a robust CX drives market changes, it shows how every...
Ten Widely-Believed Myths About Lead Generation

Ten Widely-Believed Myths About Lead Generation

Lead generation enables marketers to attract prospects to convert them into customers. While it is the best method to help businesses grow, the misinformation...
Challenges in Delivering Superlative Digital Customer Experience

Challenges in Delivering Superlative Digital Customer Experience

There is a tremendous difference between how consumers and businesses perceive digital channels. With a surge in the adoption of digital-first approaches, consumers today...
Strategies for CMOS to Revolutionize Marketing Operations (Ops)

Strategies for CMOS to Revolutionize Marketing Operations (Ops)

Marketing Operations fuel the organization's revenue. Without optimized marketing operations, the entire business will come to a halt. It is imperative to have the...
Importance of Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Importance of Content Delivery Network (CDN)

The term "content delivery network (CDN)" refers to the public Internet infrastructure. It manages content distribution. Everyday activities, whether we know it or not,...

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