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Establishing Marketing Strategy During Product Development Phase

Establishing Marketing Strategy During Product Development Phase

Launching marketing strategies while the product is still in the development phase can help brands bring awareness of the upcoming product while also increasing...
Four Effective Communication Strategies to Boost B2B Relationships

Four Effective Communication Strategies to Boost B2B Relationships

As acquiring clients becomes even more difficult, brands should take steps to strengthen their existing relationships by communicating effectively. They should continuously improve their...
How B2B Automation Marketing can Boost Campaigns?

How B2B Automation Marketing can Boost Campaigns?

Marketers are always on the hunt for new tools and strategies to improve the efficiency of their campaigns. The phenomenon of B2B automated marketing...
Powering Up ROI with Process Intent

Powering Up ROI with Process Intent

Every brand today is looking for ways and means to accelerate RoI. The best possible competitive edge available to all marketers is the process...
Ops Bridges the Gap Between Marketing Strategy and Customer Experience, says BrandMaker Pulse 2022

Ops Bridges the Gap Between Marketing Strategy and Customer Experience, says...

The current marketing industry environment is not the most comfortable to deal with. Various industry experts have delved deep into the current marketing strategies...
Personalization Prerequisites: Creating a Successful Content Strategy

Personalization Prerequisites: Creating a Successful Content Strategy

In the area of marketing real-time personalization of the customer experience has been described as the ‘Holy Grail’. And the fight is on. For every...
CMOs Reduce Customer Churn Rate

CMOs Reduce Customer Churn Rate

As landing new customers become more difficult with each passing day, brands should ensure that they do not lose on the ones they already...
ROI Essential for B2B Marketing Success

ROI Essential for B2B Marketing Success

The single most powerful differentiator between B2B organizations who struggle and those who repeatedly succeed is people-focus. Today’s marketers should take note from legendary actor...
Strategies to make a Partner marketing plan work

Strategies to make a Partner marketing plan work

As B2B tech organizations recognize the role partnerships can play in the growth of their business, the partner ecosystem is becoming increasingly competitive every...
Three Strategies for Brands to Optimize B2B Video Marketing Efforts

Three Strategies for Brands to Optimize B2B Video Marketing Efforts

With video-based content continue to influence B2B buyer behavior, brands should take steps towards optimizing their B2B video marketing efforts. Traditionally being utilized for...

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