WPP Improves Marketing Capabilities with Anthropic’s AI Model Claude via Amazon Bedrock

WPP Improves Marketing Capabilities with Anthropic's AI Model Claude via Amazon Bedrock

WPP has integrated Anthropic’s Claude AI model family into its marketing operating system WPP Open using Amazon Bedrock from Amazon Web Services.

This integration aims to improve the capabilities of WPP’s marketing talent and deliver innovative solutions to clients. The AI models, Claude Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku, are designed to augment human expertise, improve efficiency, and scale capabilities.

Also read: How the Pillars of Omnichannel Marketing Fuel Business Success

WPP has chosen to access Claude 3 using Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service from AWS. The Claude 3 model family offers high accuracy, performance, and speed, with Opus being one of Anthropic’s most advanced models. This integration reflects WPP’s broader strategy to embrace emerging technologies and leverage AI to drive innovation.

Read more – GoDaddy Expands Generative AI Prompt Library Capabilities to Turbo-Charge SMB Support

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