Home Quick Bytes Twitter Tests New Analytics Tools with Some Hosts

Twitter Tests New Analytics Tools with Some Hosts

Twitter has added another option to help increase the utility of Spaces. Some of the Spaces hosts will now be able to access full Spaces analytics, including the number of people that tuned-in, total speakers in the session, replays, duration and more.

Similar to the Clubhouse app, Twitter Spaces are audio chats that take place in real time. They can have two co-hosts and up to ten speakers. Full Spaces analytics are now being tested on the platform. The social media giant has also introduced replay stats for recorded Spaces as well as monetization tracking for ticketed Spaces, offering a range of options to manage and grow the Spaces approach.

The comprehensive Spaces Analytics provides further context for Spaces. They can be used as a reference for marketers that want to use a broader twitter strategy that includes live audio rooms.

Read More: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/twitter-tests-new-spaces-analytics-with-some-hosts/621021/