Twitter lays out new platform guidelines that emphasize diminished reach as opposed to suspensions

Twitter lays out new platform guidelines that emphasize diminished reach as opposed to suspensions

As part of its “amnesty” initiative under new CEO Elon Musk, Twitter has restored thousands of previously suspended accounts. Twitter has now provided details on how it will enforce its rules going forward, including less severe penalties for some infractions.

According to Musk’s previously stated philosophy of “freedom of speech, not freedom of reach,” Twitter will be more inclined to leave content active in the app while algorithmically decreasing its impact if it violates any rules. This means that many tweets that would have previously been considered offensive will now remain in the app.

Musk notes that no advertisements will be shown next to such content, but given how the tweet timeline works, that may be challenging to enforce.

Read More: Twitter Outlines New Platform Rules Which Emphasize Reduced Reach, as Opposed to Suspensions

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