Home Quick Bytes Twitter Launches ‘Retweets with Comments’ for iOS

Twitter Launches ‘Retweets with Comments’ for iOS

Twitter Launches Retweets with Comments for iOS

Twitter recently announced that it has rolled out it’s new listing – ‘retweets with comments’ on the iOS for now, and it is being tested for Android. In the past few weeks, users have already noticed the changes in their retweet display.

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As mentioned on Twitter, “Don’t miss the Tweets about your Tweet. Now on iOS, you can see Retweets with comments all in one place.”

Now, the retweet count will contain the basic ones as well as retweets with comments. Users will be able to get an all-encompassing record of the total retweet count and view related comments and responses.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/twitter-officially-launches-new-retweets-with-comments-listings-on-ios/577808/

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