Twitter Adds Sharing Buttons for WhatsApp and LinkedIn to Promote Wider Tweet Engagement


Twitter is attempting to make it easier for users to share tweets outside of its own platform by adding a new WhatsApp sharing button and a new LinkedIn sharing option with a dedicated tweet presentation in the app.

The social media app is testing a new, dedicated WhatsApp share button in the lower tweet function display as part of the new WhatsApp button in an effort to capitalize on that embedded usage. Twitter provided this statement on the test, “Starting today, Twitter is rolling out a new experiment exclusively in India. The app is replacing the share icon on Tweets with the WhatsApp icon for the majority of Android users.”

On another front, Twitter has also enabled tweet sharing to Snapchat and IG Stories on Android (previously only available on iOS), along with a new option to share a tweet to LinkedIn.

Read More: Twitter Adds WhatsApp and LinkedIn Sharing Buttons to Facilitate Broader Tweet Engagement

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