Amperity 3.5 Launches: Omnichannel Personalization, Powerful Analytics, and Expanded Self-Service Capabilities

Amperity 3.5 Launches Omnichannel Personalization_ Powerful Analytics_ and Expanded Self-Service Capabilities-01

Amperity, the #1 enterprise Customer Data Platform for consumer brands, today announced the release of its latest major platform update, Amperity 3.5.

The release brings several product updates and platform improvements that enable enterprise consumer brands to turn first-party data into differentiated customer experiences. Amperity 3.5 also brings improved self-service features for IT professionals and analysts, as well as powerful marketing capabilities and integrations that unlock enhanced personalization options.

“We have new functionality, namely the ability to segment our offers and integrate systems we couldn’t before. It used to take us eight days to meet our goal — now it takes us one day,” said Carolina Kennedy, senior director digital lifestyle marketing at Tapestry.

“These upgrades bring a wave of new value for our customers who are navigating multiple business shifts, including re-engaging their businesses post-covid, accelerating customer personalization, and the deprecation of third-party identifiers. These are massive challenges facing today’s enterprises and Amperity’s top priority is ensuring we continually innovate on behalf of our users,” said Chris Jones, chief product officer at Amperity.

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Amperity 3.5’s new capabilities include:

More omnichannel personalization use cases & channels

  • Upgraded connectivity to Google, Facebook, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and Snowflake, as well as over 120+ additional new connectors across popular channels and personalization systems, including Adobe Experience Cloud, Oracle Responsys, Azure, AWS, Attentive, and more
  • New joint solutions with
    • Customer support provider Zendesk
    • AI-content generation and decisioning platform Persado
    • Multi-channel customer engagement platform Braze
    • Digital experimentation platform Optimizely
  • New multi-step campaigns and triggers based on customer transactions, behaviors, and campaign activities
  • Rapid segment insights with new visual segmentation tools and dashboards

Improved analytics & identity capabilities

  • Additional privacy-compliant anonymous identity capabilities to expand and manage audiences with no third-party cookie reliance
  • New Amperity-managed data warehouse that allows limitless creativity across popular BI tools such as Tableau and Looker
  • Workflow and auto-data labeling enhancements to make the Customer 360 even more turnkey for analysts and data administrators

Increased self-service & improved usability

  • Upgraded sandboxes to facilitate easier testing and experimentation outside of production, for IT professionals.
  • More ways to ingest data, up to real-time streaming (Parquet, Avro, streaming JSON, XML), with additional data normalization and auto-formatting, labeling for rapid unification onto the Customer 360
  • Simplified drag and drop omnichannel orchestration for point and click data sync across hundreds of systems with no code required
  • The addition of 190 data source integrations that enable data to be brought in from the majority of systems where customer data is collected or stored. Find the full list here
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