Social Commerce Sees Highest Adoption Among Retail Technologies

Social commerce, retail

According to the Bizrate Insights survey cited by eMarketer, social commerce is the most popular new retail technology among U.S. internet users. It is ahead of visual search, augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR) and voice commerce through smart speakers. More than one-third (34%) of adults said they had made a purchase through social media. and another 27% said they were interested in social shopping. Only 13% of U.S. internet users had shopped with visual search, and AR/VR was used for shopping by 6% of online adults. The growing popularity of social shopping likely is a result of the efforts by companies like Facebook, Pinterest, and Snap to boost direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales on their platforms with digital transactions.

Read more: Social commerce sees highest adoption among retail technologies, study says

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