Snapchat Launches Lens Web Builder to Create AR campaigns

Kaitlin McGirl, Snapchat, Snapchat’s Ads Manager, Lens Web Builder, AR campaigns, AR ads, Augmented reality, U.S
Snapchat Launches Lens Web Builder to Create AR campaigns

Snapchat has recently declared the launch of its new ad product – Lens Web Builder, to help advertisers create AR Lens campaigns, from Snapchat’s Ads Manager. This is Snapchat’s latest move to create the format more accessible by lowering the friction of buying and producing different AR campaigns. It confirmed that advertisers could bid programmatically for the distribution of AR ads created using the Lens Web Builder – with no minimum investment, and access to Snapchat’s all targeting options.

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Kaitlin McGirl, U.S. creative strategy Director at Snapchat, said, “a major step on our path towards making high-quality AR advertising accessible and impactful for any business, without needing the budget to hire professional designers.”


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