Home Quick Bytes ListenFirst provides branded content reporting across social platforms

ListenFirst provides branded content reporting across social platforms

The Branded Content Analysis Suite ListenFirst, now offers brands and publishers cross-channel analytics.

ListenFirst announced the launch of its Branded Content Analysis Suite tool. This platform analyzes influencer and branded content partnerships across Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Tumblr — offering improvised brand performance analytics on owned and competitive content partnership programs while giving media companies metrics to win over more advertisers.

The social branded content measurement has been unstructured, with both the sell-side and buy-side lacking the proper context and industry best practices for coming up with respective strategies. There are many tools to help marketers keep tabs on their influencer and branded content performance analytics, but finding cross-platform competitor data is challenging.

ListenFirst will provide cross-channel analytics to determine benchmarks for branded content partnerships so that they can compare their performance against other industry sponsorships.

Article source: https://marketingland.com/listenfirst-provides-branded-content-reporting-across-multiple-social-platforms-272089