Home Quick Bytes LinkedIn’s Latest ‘Big Thinking’ Digital Magazine Provides Marketing Industry Insights and Tips

LinkedIn’s Latest ‘Big Thinking’ Digital Magazine Provides Marketing Industry Insights and Tips

The second issue of LinkedIn’s “Big Thinking” digital magazine has been released, and it features a variety of interviews, insights, advice, and notes on numerous marketing-related topics and trends.

The 36-page magazine offers advice from industry experts on sustainable marketing strategies, evolving messaging techniques, and creative suggestions. Additionally, there is a section that discusses employer branding and how marketers cam mitigate the loss of cookie tracking data.

Along with other topics, LinkedIn has featured expert interviews on customer experience, digital transformation, and B2B initiatives. According to the company, the notes and advice can help firms in creating a more effective marketing strategy that is in step with current trends.

Read More: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-shares-marketing-industry-insights-and-tips-in-latest-big-thinkin/626508/