LinkedIn Offers Additional Resources to Promote Internal Movement and Promotion


According to LinkedIn, many companies are now looking to maximize internal employee opportunities in order to cut costs associated with hiring and training new employees as well as receive other advantages.

In line with this shift, LinkedIn has announced a new set of updates for its recruitment tools, with a focus on improving internal mobility, while it’s also published a new Global Talent Trends report, which highlights some of the key recruitment challenges in the market. Regarding the new features, LinkedIn is introducing a new Spotlight element in Recruiter for internal candidates to help draw attention to potential opportunities. The brand-new Spotlight module will highlight internal candidates who might be qualified to fill an open position.

That will make it easier for recruiters to stay informed about these opportunities, which could also help to enhance the methods for rewarding and recognizing employees.

Read More: LinkedIn Provides More Tools to Facilitate Internal Promotion and Movement

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