Home Quick Bytes LinkedIn Introduces a New ‘Business Manager’ Platform and a New B2B Marketing...

LinkedIn Introduces a New ‘Business Manager’ Platform and a New B2B Marketing Consultancy

LinkedIn is introducing a new Business Manager dashboard, a new B2B aligned, LinkedIn-native consulting and enhanced CRM and API connectors to assist marketers in maximize their lead generation and brand-building efforts. LinkedIn is introducing its new Business Manager platform, which offers a centralized dashboard for managing ‘people, accounts, and Pages,’ as well as the marketing activities that go with them.

For all of the LinkedIn business activities, Business Manager provides a simple administration platform. People, Partners, Ad Accounts, and Company Pages, as well as Matched Audiences, are all managed separately on the new platform.

Finally, LinkedIn is expanding access to its newly updated new content and Marketing APIs, as well as a new CRM data validation tool and a Gong integration.

Read More: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-launches-new-business-manager-platform-new-b2b-aligned-marketin/625245/