Home Quick Bytes Google to Expand Meet’s Encryption Settings and Integrate Meet Videos into Docs

Google to Expand Meet’s Encryption Settings and Integrate Meet Videos into Docs

Google announces new updates for Workspace, its productivity and collaboration application, which includes more encryption settings for Google Meet videos.

Customers will also be able to immediately incorporate Meet videos into Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, according to Google. Users will be able to see all of their collaborators, as well as the documents they’re working on, in one place.

When the COVID-19 pandemic made virtual work a necessity a few of years ago, Google began quickly rolling out a variety of new and improved capabilities to its collaboration tools. Google has also increased its attempts to integrate all of its technologies since then.

Read More: https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-to-expand-encryption-options-in-meet-will-bring-meet-videos-into-docs/