Getty Images sues Stability AI for trademark and copyright infringement

Getty Images sues Stability AI for trademark and copyright infringement

Getty Images Holdings Inc. is suing generative artificial intelligence startup Stability AI Ltd. for allegedly misusing its stock images. The second lawsuit Getty Images has filed against Stability AI was delivered to the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware.

Similar legal action is being taken against Stability AI in the United Kingdom, where the startup is based. Stable Diffusion is an open-source neural network created by Stability AI that can produce images in response to text cues. The neural network used by Stability AI was trained on several billion images, including images that were purportedly taken from Getty Images without authorization.

Getty Images claims that the startup violated its copyright in its lawsuit. The Getty Images watermark, which can be seen on each image in the latter company’s visual asset library, is also allegedly violated by Stability AI, according to the lawsuit.

Read More: Getty Images sues Stability AI for copyright and trademark infringement

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