Gartner Predicts Uncertainty clouds CMO prospects for 2023


According to forecasts from analyst Gartner, marketing directors will face significant obstacles to increasing brand value and loyalty in 2019 due to the current economic climate and shifting digital consumer behavior.

The company identified three main trends: disruptive market dynamics weakening traditional strategies for gaining consumer favor, shifting customer behaviors increasing uncertainty, and cross-functional collaboration producing worse results for marketers. In light of these challenges and as more significant corporate mandates concentrate on maintaining growth, CMOs may need to make less money go further and fight for their independence.

According to Gartner, the “majority of consumers and [business-to-business] buyers]” will withhold information that is essential to the future of digital marketing.

Also Read: Effective CRM Strategies to Boost Businesses

Read More: Gartner: Uncertainty clouds CMO prospects for 2023

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