Following the launch of 4,000-character limit support for Blue subscribers, Twitter experiences downtime

Twitter Had Some Downtime After The Launch Of 4,000-Character Limit

Earlier today, Twitter Inc. had some downtime after letting Twitter Blue users in the U.S. post tweets with up to 4,000 characters. At 3 p.m. EST, the new feature was announced in a long post on Twitter. Normal Twitter limitations apply besides the 4,000-character limit.

Users of Twitter Blue who post longer tweets online are unable to schedule the longer tweets for a later posting or save them as drafts. Twitter clarified that only the first 280 characters of each tweet will be displayed on timelines, with a “show more” prompt available to read the entire message. This decision was made in response to concerns about how long tweets will affect timelines.

Although the reason for the outage is still unknown, emails sent by Elon Musk to Twitter employees that were leaked raise the possibility that data centers may have been the cause.

Read More: Twitter suffers downtime after launch of 4,000-character limit support for Blue subscribers

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