Flashtalking-Nielsen Debut Enhancing Data-Driven Offering for Retail Marketers

Flashtalking, Nielsen, Retail Marketers, Instagram, Facebook, CPG marketers, ROI, personalization
Flashtalking-Nielsen Debut Enhancing Data-Driven Offering for Retail Marketers

The ad server company Flashtalking has announced an enhanced solution in collaboration with Nielsen to power and analyze data-driven marketing for retail marketers. Flashtalking partnered with Nielsen recently, and this will let the CPG marketers drive improved business results, in-store conversions, and ROI.CMO, CEO, Branding, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, B2B Marketer, AI Bynder, Branding, Martech, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, B2B Marketer, AI, Statistics, Marketing, Business outlook, Andrew Hally, Analytics, Digital channels, Creativity, Digital era, U.S, UK, 2020 State of Branding Report

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Flashtalking also confirmed its extension to beta social Integration to improve personalization for its users on Instagram and Facebook. As many retail marketers are striving to provide the exact story to their audience, this new initiative will deliver better efficiency and creative control at scale. Henceforth, Flashtalking clients can be benefited from a more streamlined workflow, including online performance, reporting, and personalization.

Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/flashtalking-nielsen-debut-enhanced-data-142000373.html