FayeBSG Announces Twilio Integration for Sugar Messaging

Faye Business Systems Group, FayeBSG, Sugar Messaging, CRM text messaging, Twilio Cloud Communications Integration, Twilio, Twilio, SugarCRM, SMS, sales leads, CRM
FayeBSG Announces Twilio Integration for Sugar Messaging

Faye Business Systems Group has recently launched the Twilio Cloud Communications Integration for Sugar Messaging service. It is applicable for version 2.5 – where both Twilio and SugarCRM customers can send and receive texts from the Sugar platform itself.

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It includes one on one messaging from their record page, customized messages feature to leads and contacts associated with a particular campaign, and more.

With the increased customer demand, Faye has taken this initiative to streamline the workflow. With this latest launch, the CRM text messaging application Sugar Messaging will now support Twilio and Ytel. Besides, it will have additional services packages for different international carriers.

Source: https://martechseries.com/sales-marketing/crm/fayebsg-releases-twilio-integration-sugar-messaging/

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