Facebook to eliminate a few Location Tracking Tools as Data Regulations Continue to Evolve

Facebook to eliminate a few Location Tracking Tools as Data Regulations Continue to Evolve

With the depreciation of key local-based capabilities in the app such as Nearby Friends, weather notifications, and Location History, Meta is modifying how it uses Location Services in Facebook.

Users will now receive notifications of the change in their Facebook notifications stream. These services will no longer be available after May 31st, 2022, when Meta will stop collecting the data that powers these elements, even if users have already enabled them.

On August 1st, according to Meta, all previously logged information by users relating to these functionalities will be destroyed. People can still use Location Services to control how their location data is gathered and utilized.

Read More: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebooks-removing-a-range-of-location-tracking-tools-as-data-regulations/623365/

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