Facebook Removes Around 1,000 Ad Targeting Options Due to Negligible Usage

Facebook Removes Around 1_000 Ad

Given that Facebook’s capacity for hyper-targeted ads remains one of its key strengths for marketers, it seems odd that the company would seek to remove its ad targeting options unless it was left with no choice, of course.

But that’s what Facebook is compelled to do currently. The Social Network has announced removing around 1,000 ad targeting options as they’re either not used often, or because they replicate other audience targeting categories.

As part of Facebook’s latest efforts to simplify and streamline their targeting options, they’ve identified cases where advertisers – of all industries and sizes – rarely use different targeting options. Infrequent use may be due to some of the targeting options becoming redundant with others or because they’re way too granular to really be useful. So some of these options are removed.

To Read More: Socialmediatoday

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