Facebook Announces Tips on Using Its Video Playlists and Collections

Facebook Announces Tips on Using Its Video Playlists and Collections

Facebook has been releasing a series of insights for its various video tools over the past few months. There are many videos via interviews with experts who are working on the features. They have provided a new, valuable perspective – even why the options were added and what purposes they can serve.

Recently, the social media giant added its latest video in the series that focuses on the video Playlists as well as Series. Each feature is aimed at helping the video creators to maximize their viewership and exposure in various ways.

So far, Facebook has shared insights for the Creator Studio app, optimizing Facebook Live broadcasts, Live Producer, using music in uploaded videos, and video insights in Creator Studio.

Source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-provides-tips-on-utilizing-video-playlists-and-series-collections/585951/

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