Demandbase Innovates B2B Marketing with Customizable Multiple Buying Journeys

Demandbase Innovates B2B Marketing with Customizable Multiple Buying Journeys

Demandbase has introduced the capability for customers to set up multiple buying journeys customized to their various motions for different products or business units.

This allows customers to create separate buyer journeys and track account progress, tailor journeys with as many stages as needed, use multiple journeys in Selectors and view analytics through Journey Analytics.

In addition, Demandbase has launched new features such as Database Folders, Field Disable Controls, and Sync Optimization for Salesforce to provide greater management and control over the platform’s data.

Also read: Effectively Addressing Marketing Disconnects from Impacting the Customer Journey

These developments aim to transform how B2B companies go to market and have been designed based on customer feedback to meet their evolving needs.

Read more – Demandbase is First GTM Platform to Offer Multiple Buyer Journeys for ABM Customers

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