Customer Retention and Satisfaction Rates to Measure Successful Customer Experience

Customer Retention and Satisfaction, Customer Experience, B2B and B2C marketers, digital response

The true measure of success in optimal customer experience has now become the biggest focus of all marketers.  In fact, a recent Ascend2 survey that studied 300 B2B and B2C marketers have found that more than two-thirds of marketers say that customer retention rate is one of their most effective metrics to measure customer experience improvements. A similar number says that customer satisfaction is their most effective matrix. More than 40% of respondents said that customer lifetime value is their chosen metric. Other attributes that mattered were visitor intent/completion (26%), likes/comments/shares (23%), net promoter score (14%) and customer effort score (12%).

At the same time, the most critical challenges facing marketers were also improving customer retention/satisfaction (61%) and increasing value/reliability to users (54%) are not only primary objectives but also the most critical challenges to meet them, the most effective strategies are customer feedback collection (57%), content personalization (45%) and social media engagement (38%), the respondents say.

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