Creating Brand Loyalty in the Current Era

Brand Loyalty, Marketers, Marketing, Customer Journey, Branding

Not so long ago, marketing was meant to gather some demographic data by placing ads in broadcast media, stuffing mailboxes with direct mail and plastering billboards. More recently, it has become about bombarding the universe with spam.

With advances in technology, consumer expectations and digital sophistication rise, and marketers no longer can focus on delivering static messages, regardless of how “multichannel” or “targeted” they may be. Instead, brands must create highly personalized experiences and interactions that they can redirect or refine, as customers move seamlessly across devices and channels. The journey of the message should be from initial awareness through conversion and ultimately lead to brand loyalty.

To deliver the truly competitive personalized experiences that brand loyalists crave, marketers must confront a threefold challenge: gaining an in-depth knowledge and understanding of each individual; creating seamless journeys that cover the full span of each customer’s life cycle, all the way to being in the moment with individually relevant interactions at each critical milestone in the entire customer relationship.

In a media-saturated and Omnichannel world, brands have a chance to gain a significant edge over competition in growth and customer loyalty if they can recognize and satisfy consumers with frictionless journeys uniquely their own.

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