Canvas Worldwide Partners with BrXnd to Transform Advertising Through AI

Canvas Worldwide Partners with BrXnd to Transform Advertising Through AI

Canvas Worldwide has partnered strategically with BrXnd, an AI solutions provider. This collaboration aims to redefine the landscape of advertising and media. The partnership will involve research, collaborative initiatives, and licensing of cutting-edge tools and technologies.

This partnership emerged from the AI Summit held by Canvas Worldwide last December, where BrXnd Founder Noah Brier educated the audience on AI’s potential in advertising disciplines. Canvas Worldwide uses various advanced AI tools and technologies from BrXnd to strengthen its capabilities. The agency has also established an internal multidisciplinary AI Council, a group focused on researching and advancing AI initiatives agency-wide

Also read: Contextual Advertising Trends in 2024

The agency is committed to ensuring every team member benefits from AI’s transformative capabilities, driving innovation and efficiency across the organization. Canvas Worldwide is sponsoring the BrXnd Marketing x AI Conference in New York this May and plans to host another AI Summit at the agency’s LA Office in Q3 this year.

Read more – Canvas Worldwide and Brxnd Forge Strategic Partnership To Pioneer AI Innovation in Media & Marketing Services

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